18 November 2016

Ceritera Konvokesyen


Kelihatan semua graduan bersesak-sesak untuk keluar dari dewan usai tamatnya istiadat konvokesyen. Terasa bahang di muka Nurul Husna saat dia melangkah keluar dari dewan.

Matanya melilau mencari kelibat buah hati pengarang jantung sambil jarinya pantas menekan nombor di telefon pintar. Setelah mengetahui tentang keberadaan mereka, Husna pantas mengatur langkah merentasi lautan manusia yang membanjiri kawasan dewan.

Wajahnya bertukar ceria saat dia terlihat kedua ibu bapanya berdiri tersenyum bangga. Terus dirangkul keduanya sambil dikucup pipi mereka tanda kasih dan sayang. Sejambak bunga bertukar tangan dan beberapa gambar diambil sebagai tanda kenangan bersama.

“Husna, mari kita makan dulu. Perut ibu ni dah berkeroncong lagu zapin ni.” Encik Hashim menggeleng melihat karenah isterinya yang kadang-kadang tidak mampu dikawalnya.

Ditariknya tangan mereka ke gerai yang didirikan berdekatan dengan dewan konvokesyen. Selesai makan, Husna tekun memandang telefon pintarnya, menanti jika ada pesanan dihantar oleh rakan-rakan yang sudah berjanji mahu mengambil gambar bersama.

Seorang demi seorang rakannya tiba. Kegembiraan terpancar di wajah mereka tatkala butang kamera ditekan. “Eh, mana Mastura? Bukan kita semua dah janji nak kumpul kat sini pukul 12?” Mereka saling berpandangan mengangkat bahu tanda tidak tahu.

Sementara mata Husna melilau mencari jika ada rakan rakan dari kolej mahupun sesiapa yang dikenali untuk ditarik mengambil gambar bersama, bahunya ditepuk dari belakang.

Sarah, gadis yang bersaiz kecil molek berkata, “Husna, kau nampak tak apa yang aku nampak ni?” tanyanya sambil mengangkat kening dengan ekspresi penuh makna. “Nampak apa?” Dia cuba menoleh ke arah yang ditunjuk Sarah dan kelihatan seseorang yang sangat dekat di hatinya. Aiman Hakim, ataupun mesra dengan panggilan Hakim sedang berdiri tidak jauh darinya; hanya beberapa langkah dan Husna sudah boleh berbual dengannya.

Husna berasa amat pelik kerana antara tiada apa pun yg menghalang pandangan mereka berdua namun Hakim tetap tidak menoleh ke arahnya. Alya, rakan Husna yang tinggi lampai berkata, “Eh Husna, aku nampak dia macam pandang kat kau lah.” “Taklah, kalau dia nampak aku, mesti dia dah datang dekat aku.” Terlihat riak sedih di muka Husna. Mana tidaknya, seolah-olah Hakim cuba mengelaknya walhal Husna berada dekat dengannya.

Husna agak berkecil hati apabila Hakim berkelakuan sedemikian. Dia tidak meminta Hakim datang dekat padanya kerana dia tahu akan batas mereka. Hanya sebuah senyuman dan ucapan tahniah sudah cukup buatnya. Bukannya dia dan Hakim seperti orang asing, mereka berkawan sejak hari pertama Husna di universiti. Hanya disebabkan satu insiden, mereka jadi begini.

“Husna, kau ok ke? Jomlah kita ambil gambar lagi. Entah bila kita nak jumpa lagi.” Husna cuba memadam perasaan sedihnya kerana tidak mahu menganggu hari bahagianya. “Eh, aku ok je. Jom, jom! Kita ambil gambar sampai habis bateri telefon kita.” Husna dan rakan-rakannya tertawa ria.

Pada saat itu, Husna berjanji pada dirinya yang dia harus melupakan Hakim. Dia mendoakan agar Hakim dan dirinya berjaya dalam hidup dan bertemu pasangan yang baik. ‘Selamat tinggal, Hakim.’ Bermonolog Husna sendirian saat dia meninggalkan varsiti yang menjadi saksi kisah persahabatan mereka.


Jam di tangan menunjukkan tepat 6 petang. Maisarah dan ahli keluarganya baru sahaja selesai bergambar kenangan sempena hari graduasi Maisarah. Maisarah tidak dapat meluangkan masa lebih lama bersama rakannya kerana dia belum menunaikan solat Asar lagi. Sidang konvokesyennya tamat pukul 5.30 petang, jadi masa setengah jam itu diperuntuk sehabis baik sebelum dia meninggalkan kawasan dewan.

Mujur fakultinya berada dekat dengan dewan konvokesyen. Jadi keluarganya menunaikan solat Asar di surau fakulti. Selesai solat, Maisarah menunggu ahli keluarganya di luar kerana tidak mahu mengganggu orang lain menunaikan solat.

Sedang dia leka menunggu sambil membelek jambangan bunga di tangannya, terdengar suara memanggjl namanya. “Mai!” Alangkah terkejutnya apabila melihat orang yang memanggilnya adalah Nazmi. Terasa bagai luruh jantungnya kerana jejaka idamannya berada di hadapannya.

“Eh, Nazmi! Tahniah dah konvo!” Maisarah cuba menyembunyikan rasa gementar. Mujur Nazmi tidak menyedari perubahan nadanya. Mereka berbual bertanyakan perkembangan masing-masing. Walaupun satu fakulti dan mereka berdua pernah memegang jawatan sebagai jawatankuasa kolej, dia merasakan perbualan ini yang paling panjang dan lama dilakukannya bersama Nazmi.

Sebelum mereka menghentikan perbualan, Nazmi bertanya, “Mai, bagi nombor telefon kau. Telefon aku rosak hari tu, jadi semua nombor hilang.” Dia mengeluarkan telefon dari poketnya dan menekan nombor yang disebut Maisarah.

“Okay Mai, ada rezeki kita jumpa lagi. Semoga berjaya di masa akan datang. Assalamualaikum.” Nazmi melambai meninggalkan Mai sambil tersenyum.
Hari terakhir di universiti tamat dengan kegembiraan. Maisarah tersengih sehingga tidak sedar kehadiran ahli keluarganya di belakang.

“Haa, tengok siapa tu?” Abangnya menegur. Tersipu malu Maisarah apabila diusik sebegitu. “Tak ada apa-apa. Jom kita balik.” Mai mengajak keluarganya ke tempat parkir kereta sambil menoleh ke arah Nazmi buat kali terakhir. “In shaa Allah, ada rezeki kita jumpa lagi.”

30 July 2012

SOL Final T.T

Assalamualaikum :)

“Hoya oppa! Wait for me!” Eunji shouted while chasing the boy. The boy pulled his tongue out to the girl and stop running. His sudden stop made the girl cannot stop her running and bumped into him and they fall to ground.

“Ouch! Oppa, it hurts! Why are you stop running?” Eunji asked.

“Because I like to see you fall.” Hoya talked and laughing hard.

“Oppa, you fall with me too. Remember that, okay?” Eunji glared at Hoya.

“Okay, mianhae Eunji-ah. I’m sorry. I’m not doing this anymore.” Hoya replied.

“Oppa, you such a liar! You said this last time, but you still doing this…” Eunji pouted.

“What can I do to make Cho Eunji happy? Chocolate?” Eunji’s eyes sparkled.

“Chocolate? Okay, I’ll let it slip this time, but next time, I won’t, okay Hoya oppa?” Hoya nodded his head and smiled.

“That’s why I really love my Hoya oppa!” She hugged Hoya and her action made him blushed.

“Let’s go buy your chocolate. I’m afraid that our parents know we are going to shop for a while.” Hoya pulled Eunji’s hand.

After buying chocolate and ice-cream, they go to their parents.

“Lee Howon, Cho Eunji, where are you going?” Donghae asked. The kids just smile while hiding their ice cream and chocolate.

“Hoya, why are you not buying anything for me?” Donghae asked his son.

“Because you already old, appa. You cannot eat this thing.” Hoya answered innocently. Eunji who is beside Hoya giggled.

“Donghae appa, Hoya oppa bought this for me!” Eunji showed her chocolate to Donghae. “I’ll go to my appa first. Bye.” Donghae nodded his head while watching the little girl going to her dad. Then, he returns to his son.

“Lee Howon, you have an explanation to do.” Hoya just lowered his head. “Appa, I like Eunji.” Donghae just smiled. “Let’s go to your mother. I’m sure that lunch already done by now.”

“Appa, appa, appa!” Eunji shouted happily.

“Cho Eunji, what’s wrong?” Kyuhyun asked.

“Today, I got a gift! Hehehe.” Eunji blushed.

“Aww, my cute daughter…. Who gave you that chocolate? Can I ask some of it?” Kyuhyun replied.
“No, appa! This is very special to me! I’m not going to share with anyone!” Eunji pouted.

“Okay, okay. Now, tell me, who are the ones that gives this choc to you?” Kyuhyun asked. Then, Eunji go to his dad’s ear and whispered shyly, “Hoya oppa.”

“Aww, my daughter has a boyfriend.” Kyuhyun smiled playfully to his daughter.

“Appa!” Eunji hit her dad. Kyuhyun shouted.

“Cho Eunji! That’s hurts. Are you got this powerful hand from your umma?” Kyuhyun rubbed his arm.

“Appa, mianhae. I’m taking taekwondo right? I don’t inherit this from both of you.” Eunji said.

“Okay, let’s go to your umma. I’m hungry. Are you hungry too?” Eunji nodded her head. Kyuhyun get up and walk with his daughter to the camping place.

“Cho Eunji! Cho Kyuhyun! Lee Donghae! Lee Howon! Let’s eat!” Seohyun shouted from far. Jessica busy preparing food for lunch.

The four of them walking together; hand in hand to Jessica and Seohyun. Hoya and Donghae sit beside Jessica while Eunji and Kyuhyun sit beside Seohyun.

“Let’s eat Hoya dear. You must be tired playing, right?” Jessica put the food into Hoya and Donghae’s plate.

“No, umma. I feel that today is the best day of my life. I’m so happy playing with Eunji and meet Kyuhyun appa and Seohyun umma.” Hoya answered happily.

“Yeah, and you giving Eunji a chocolate, right?” Kyuhyun winking at him and made Hoya blushed then he nodded his head.

“Hoya, you gave my daughter a chocolate? How sweet!” Seohyun ruffled Hoya’s head. Eunji just hiding behind her umma.

They eat happily. So many things that they talked about. They spend their evening with each other at the camping site. When the night comes, Eunji and Hoya already sleeping while facing each other and holding hands. The elders decide to sit in front of fire for a while.

“I’m sorry Seohyun, for making you wait for me. That’s because I’m still confused about you being Juhyun. I really love you Seohyun.” Kyuhyun stated.

“Yeah, I’m sorry for not telling you the truth. Luckily I have Donghae beside me, who always tell me that you still love me. I love you too Kyuhyun.” Seohyun replied.

Seohyun and Kyuhyun look into each other eyes, and interlock their finger together. They smile.

“Jessica, should we act lovey dovey like them?” Donghae hugged Jessica.

“Donghae, don’t be so loud! You’ll wake up the kids.” Jessica warned.

“I’m sorry, my princess.” Donghae whispered.

“You know what Donghae, I thought that you have feelings to Seohyun. I don’t know but my heart ache whenever you and Seohyun together.” Jessica stated.

“Really? I didn’t know that you jealous seeing me with Seohyun. You know what? Seohyun is just like my sister. So, I’m very comfortable with her. Moreover, actually I keep that feeling for someone.” Donghae replied.

“Who?” “Jung Soo Yeon.” Jessica smiled and rested her head on Donghae’s shoulder.

Both of the couple spending the night in front of fire; watching the fire while reminiscing the times that they have been through together until they fall asleep.

The next morning….

“Eunji, I have something to tell you.” Hoya said.

“What is it?” Eunji replied.

“Saranghae.” Hoya kissed Eunji’s cheek and run away; leaving Eunji who in confusion.

“Let’s go Eunji-ah.” Seohyun called her daughter.  Eunji running to her mom and hold Hoya’s hand who walking beside her.

The elders just smile looking at their child. The season of love has changed. Changing from distrust to loyalty and everlasting trust.  The four of them promise to be together no matter what happen. Because they know, there’s nothing going to break apart their friendship and love to each other.

 Till then, Assalamualaikum

25 July 2012

SOL chapter 9

Assalamualaikum :) 

“Do you take Kim Seohyun to be your wedded, and in the presence of these witnesses do you vow that you will do everything in your power to make your love for her a growing part of your life? Will you continue to strengthen it from day to day and week to week with your best resources? Will you stand by her in sickness or in health, in poverty or in wealth, and will you shun all others and keep yourself to her alone as long as you both shall live?”

“Yes, I do.” The groom said.

“Now I announce you as husband and wife, you may exchange rings.” The newlyweds exchange rings and kissed.

After the ceremony, Jessica go out for a while; try to relax her mind. She feels regret because she didn’t do that earlier. She sit on the chair with a glass of water in her hand. Then, someone approach her.

“Hello Jessica. How are you doing? You’ve become prettier since the last time I saw you.” Jessica turned to the voice. The voice that she know very well.

Jaejoong smile. “How you can be here?” Jessica asked.

“Well, the groom’s father was a friend of my father. That’s why I’m invited to this wedding.” Jaejoong explained.

Jaejoong, who was Jessica’s boyfriend, left her because of another girl. Jaejoong is the person who she doesn’t want to meet the most. She really hate Jaejoong.

“Okay, now it’s the time for bride to throw the bouquet. Girls, get ready. “ The MC said.

Jessica who trying to get away from Jaejoong is the one who get the bouquet. Seohyun just smile. She know that Jessica will find her true love.

“Jessica, good luck! Hope that you’ll find your man soon.” Seohyun walks to Jessica with her husband.

“The man is here, Seohyun.” Jaejoong interrupted.

“Who want to get married with you? Get lost, Jaejoong!” Jessica pulled her tongue out to Jaejoong.

“Because the man is here!” Another voice interrupted. Jessica smiled. She know that he will come too.

“Yahh! Why are you late?” Jessica asked.

“I’m sorry, I have some errand to do.” He kissed Jessica’s cheek before he take out a ring and propose to Jessica, “Will you marry me, Jung Soo Yeon?”

“Awwww, Jessica! Just accept it!” Seohyun shouted. Jessica starting to blush and she nod her head.

“Yes..” The crowd clapped for them .

“Phew, I’m so nervous to ask this, but I’m so happy now!” He shouted. 
Jaejoong who become witness of the proposal , just clap happily for them. He know that he cannot win Jessica’s heart anymore. He feel regretted for what he did to Jessica before.

“Congratulations, Jessica.” Jaejoong said.

“Thank you, Jaejoong.” Jessica replied. Then, Jaejoong walks away from four of them.

“Seohyun, if you please excuse us?  Congratulations, Seohyun!” Jessica said while hugging her bestfriend.

Jessica leave with her husband-to-be. Seohyun looks at her husband. “I love you” “I love you too.”

 Till then, Assalamualaikum

24 July 2012

SOL chapter 8

Assalamualaikum :) 

Seohyun and Donghae are on their last year of university. Both of them always spending their time together. Seohyun really happy for having Donghae by her side. Although they are on different course, but they are still in one faculty. So, they always look out for each other.

Seohyun is quite famous in the university, the Kingkas of the university also fell for her; Jung Yonghwa, Jinwoon, Choi Minho, but she rejected all of them. She’s just comfortable hang out with Donghae, because she knows that Donghae is the only person who can make her happy for now.

Same for Kyuhyun and Jessica; they also on their last year of university. Kyuhyun is very famous in the university because of his cold personality. No one have the braveness to approach him except Jessica. Kyuhyun always spending most of his time with Jessica.  

Despite of his coldness, many girls admired him secretly. The Queenkas try to approach him; Kwon Yuri, Im Yoona and Victoria, but he didn’t give any respond. Jessica is the only girl that can approach him, made Jessica as the hateful person by Kyuhyun’s admirers, but Jessica doesn’t care at all.

Both Jessica and Donghae know that Seohyun and Kyuhyun still have feeling for each other. But, after the incident, they become distant. Jessica and Donghae promise to stay beside them to take care of them. Jessica will contact Donghae to know about Seohyun; she has to do it secretly, because Kyuhyun didn’t give her permission to contact Seohyun anymore. So, she only got to know about Seohyun through Donghae and vice versa. Donghae also got to know about Kyuhyun through Jessica.

This situation continues until they graduate and now they are in working industry. Kyuhyun continue his father business, Cho Holdings, the expert in architecture. He became the president while Jessica works for him, as executive director. Seohyun and Donghae set up a company that specializes in interior design. Cho Holdings right now offering a tender to companies for their new project. Lot of big companies are competing to get the tender, including Seohyun and Donghae.

Seohyun and Donghae’s company, SeoHae Design, is one of the short-listed companies. They need to do the presentation in front of the director and the president. When SeoHae Design’s turn, Kyuhyun feel uncomfortable. He doesn’t know why, but he feels anxious.

“Kyuhyun, are you okay? Are you feeling well?” Jessica asked.

“I’m okay. I don’t know why I’m feeling anxious. But don’t worry, I can handle myself. Thanks for your concern.” Kyuhyun replied.  “Please call the next company to present.” He asked one of his assistant.

Seohyun push the door carefully and walk in front Kyuhyun and Jessica, followed by Donghae. As she wants to bow, she sees Kyuhyun and extremely in shock, but she continue her presentation professionally. Kyuhyun also try to hide his emotion but Jessica notice it. He seems uncomfortable and cannot focus on the presentation.

Seohyun already finish her presentation and go out from the room. The result will come out on 3. Seohyun decide to buy Donghae lunch.

“Donghae, do you want to have lunch while we waiting for the result?” Seohyun asked.

Before Donghae could answer Seohyun’s question, Jessica interrupt.  “Seohyun, I really miss you. How are you, now?”

“I’m fine Jessica; I’ve been missing you too. I’m fine, how about you?” Seohyun smiled.

“How about I treat you guys to lunch? The result will come out later right? So, should we enjoy ourselves? Kyuhyun, do you want to join us?” Jessica asked Kyuhyun who just come out from the room.

“Huh? Lunch? I think I’ll pass. Thank you for the invitation. By the way Jessica, don’t be too late. We have some decision to make. Miss Seohyun, please anticipate the result. ” Kyuhyun said.

“I will.” Seohyun replied.

“Let’s go you guys.”  Jessica pulled her two best friends’ hand.

“Okay, so we agree that SeoHae Design going to be our interior designer and design for our project?” Jessica asked some of the executives. They nod their head as agreement. Jessica smile happily. Who knows that she can work with her best friend and Donghae? Meaning that they can spend time together.

“Thanks for today. Meeting dismissed.” Jessica said. The executives are going out from the room one by one.

Jessica looks at her friend. His mind is not in a good state. “Kyuhyun, are you ready to announce it?”

“Huh? Y……Yeah. Let’s go.” Kyuhyun walks out from the room followed by Jessica.

“Okay, now I want to announce which company we are going to cooperate with” Kyuhyun try to get attention from the crowd who are talking. They shut their mouth and give full attention to Kyuhyun. 

“The company that going to cooperate with us is SeoHae Design. Congratulations. To other company, thank you for trying. I wish all of you the best. SeoHae Design, in 10 minutes, please come into the room. That’s all for today. Thank you.” Kyuhyun bowed.

Seohyun and Donghae high fived each other. They smile happily. This is the first time they get a big project. They feel satisfied because all their hard work paid. They walk hand in hand into the room.

“Hello, I’m Kim Seohyun and this is my co-partner, Lee Donghae.” Seohyun bowed happily but still in professional manner.

“Hello, I’m Cho Kyuhyun and this is my assistant, Jung Soo Yeon.” Kyuhyun bowed back. “So, let’s get straight to our work.”

“Okay.” Seohyun nodded. The discussion went well. They put aside their personal matters because they want this project go well. About 8pm, they stop the discussion.

“That’s all for today. Next week, we’ll have a meeting again.” Kyuhyun ended the conversation.
“Okay, see you later. Thank you.” Seohyun bowed. “Let’s go Donghae.”

“Seo...Seohyun, wait! How about a dinner with us?” Jessica suggested.

“Huh?” “Let’s go Seohyun. I’m hungry…..”Donghae acted like a child. Even now they are already 25, Donghae still a cute boy. It makes Jessica feel jealous.

“Okay.” Seohyun surrender. She can never win against Donghae. She pinches Donghae’s cheek.

“Let’s go.” Jessica said but Kyuhyun sit still on the chair. She pulls Kyuhyun’s hand, “Let’s go, Kyuhyun.”
“Alright, alright.” Kyuhyun followed.

At the restaurant, Jessica and Donghae are the ones talking each other while Seohyun and Kyuhyun just sit awkwardly. Sometimes, they exchange glance. Jessica who noticed this situation giving hint at Donghae.

“The weather is just nice, why don’t we take a walk around here?” Jessica asked.

“That’s a good idea, Jessica. It’s been a long time since we have a break like this, right Seohyunnie?” Donghae looks at Seohyun. Seohyun just smile.

Donghae take Seohyun’s hand and go out from the restaurant. Kyuhyun feels his heart ache so much. He doesn’t know why. Then, Jessica looks at him and signaling him to get up from his seat. Jessica takes his hand and walking behind Seohyun and Donghae. Since the night is a bit cold, Donghae put Seohyun’s hand in his pocket. The people who walk past them might be thinking that they are a couple. After walking for a while, they decide to sit at the park.

“Hurmm, I feel like I want to eat snack, Donghae…” Seohyun rest her head on Donghae’s shoulder. Kyuhyun and Jessica are kind of shocked with their doing. But for Seohyun and Donghae, it’s a routine for them. They already are comfortable with each other.

“Then, should I buy it for you?” Donghae smiled. Seohyun nodded her head. Donghae get up and says “Please wait for a while, okay?”

“Donghae, I want to follow you too!” Jessica said. “Okay, let’s go.”

When Jessica follows Donghae that means just Seohyun and Kyuhyun left. Awkwardness feels in the air. They don’t know how to get rid the awkwardness. Finally, Kyuhyun decide to talk.

Kyuhyun: hurm, Seohyun. How are you doing these days?
Seohyun: As you can see, I’m doing fine. It’s been a long time right?
Kyuhyun: Yeah. Since that accident…..
Seohyun: Yeah. Hurm, the necklace, do you still keep it?
Kyuhyun: Yup. I’m keeping it with me. I bring it wherever I go. Why are you asking for it?
Seohyun: Kyuhyun, can you forgive me and give back the necklace?
Kyuhyun: Why should I?
Seohyun: Because it was mine.
Kyuhyun: It was yours, but now, it is mine.
Seohyun: Kyuhyun, please stop being childish! Why don’t we become like before? I really miss you
                     Kyuhyun. Actually, I really love you Kyuhyun. I can’t live without you. I realize, no matter how
                    hard I try to forget you, no matter how hard I try to hate you, I just can’t do it.

Seohyun’s eyes start tearing up. She doesn’t know how to explain to Kyuhyun. Meanwhile, Jessica and Donghae who just come back from buy snacks hide behind the tree and try to ear dropping Seohyun and Kyuhyun’s conversation.

“I’m sorry, Seohyun. I’m sorry. I’m going to give you back this necklace. But, to forgive you. I still can’t. I’m sorry, Seohyun. Goodbye.” Kyuhyun take out the necklace from his pocket and put in Seohyun’s hand. Then, he walks away from Seohyun.

Seohyun start crying ‘It’s okay, I have Donghae. I know that Donghae is the only one can help me.’

 Till then, Assalamualaikum

SOL chapter 7

Assalamualaikum :) 

Seohyun feel that her head hurts so much. She wants to get up but she can’t. She tries opening her eyes, and realizing that she in the unknown place.  She remembers that she was hit by a car.

“Kyuhyun!” Seohyun shouted. A man comes into the room. It was Donghae.

“Seohyun – ah!  You waked up! Thank god. I’ve been worried for you...” Donghae talked.

“Where is Kyuhyun? I want to talk to him. Donghae, please call him... I really want to talk to him.”
Seohyun cried while shaking Donghae’s hand.

Donghae hug Seohyun and says “Don’t worry, I’ll call him. Don’t worry. Now, you rest first okay...”


~Kissing you oh my love~ Jessica’s phone ringing. The caller is Donghae. Jessica takes the phone and answers the call.

“Hello, Donghae-ah, why? Is there any important matter? “Jessica asked.

“What? Seohyun already waked up from her comma?” Jessica’s statement made one man shocked. Her face changed from happy to a serious one. He keeps playing with the necklace in his hand.

“Kyuhyun, good news! Seohyun already wake up!” Jessica jumped happily. Of course she is happy because her best friend was in comma for about 2 months.

“Kyuhyun, why are you being like this? Let’s go visit her.” Jessica talked.

“Nope. If you want to visit her, just go by yourselves. I’m tired.” Kyuhyun walk into his house.

Jessica sighed. She knows that this is going to happen soon or later. After the accident, Kyuhyun already knew that Seohyun is Juhyun, the person that he really wants to meet. He feels betrayed for almost 2 years. He cannot accept the fact that the person that he been searching actually in front of him, together with him. Jessica always beside Kyuhyun’s side while Donghae take care of Seohyun at the hospital.

 Sometimes, Jessica takes turn with Donghae to take care Seohyun.  Jessica will try to force Kyuhyun come along too with hope that he will forgive Seohyun. But, it didn’t. Kyuhyun seems did not like the same Kyuhyun that she knows before. He became more quiet, and his ego become so high, cold not like the old Kyuhyun.  Jessica walks out from Kyuhyun’s house and go to hospital.

“Okay, now Seohyun, let’s eat okay?” Donghae smiled, trying to cheer Seohyun up.  Seohyun just nod her head. Donghae feed her food, and then the door is opened. A young lady walks in.

“Seohyun-ah! I really miss you!” Jessica run and hugs Seohyun.  

“Yah! Jessica, she’s eating right now!” Donghae yell at Jessica as he giving Seohyun water.

Jessica pouted. “I want to meet my best friend, is that wrong?” She feels a bit jealous when Donghae treat Seohyun better than her.

“Jessica, I miss you so much! Here, let me hug you!” Seohyun smile weakly. Jessica hugs Seohyun back. She really miss her best friend. 

Seohyun looks at Jessica, then to Donghae, and next to the door. She feels weird because Kyuhyun is not there, with Jessica. Somehow, she feels that something is wrong.  She looks at her surrounding, her cloth, and touch her neck. Then, she realizes that the necklace is not with her.

“Necklace? Where is my necklace? Donghae, where’s my necklace?” Seohyun cries again. Donghae hugs her to keep her calm.

‘Why is my heart ache seeing them like this?’ Jessica said to herself. 

“Necklace? What necklace that you are talking about, Seohyun?” Donghae asked while still hugging her.

“The necklace that I always wear. The heart silver necklace, Donghae.” Seohyun looks worried. “I think I lost it. That is my precious thing, Donghae. Did you see it?”

“I think I didn’t see it Seohyun.” Donghae turned to Jessica. Both of them know that Kyuhyun was the one that keep the necklace. Every day, when the three of them together, he keep playing with the necklace; open and close the heart necklace that contain his picture with Seohyun.

“Where’s Kyuhyun, Jessica? I thought that he came with you. ”Donghae asked.

“Ohhh, he said that he tired.  Later, maybe he will come. Don’t worry Seohyun, he’ll come visit you. He must miss you. A LOT.” Jessica replied. Seohyun smiled.

“Doctor said that I can discharge in two days, Jessica. I want to see the world and Kyuhyun. I miss him! ” Seohyun said happily.

Both Donghae and Jessica look at each other. They don’t know how Kyuhyun will treat her after knowing the truth.


“Kyuhyun, I miss you so much!” Seohyun run towards Kyuhyun. Seohyun is very happy to see Kyuhyun, but Kyuhyun doesn’t show any expression.

Seohyun realize that Kyuhyun become colder to her, “Kyuhyun, what’s wrong? Why are you being like this?” Kyuhyun just walks away from her.

Seohyun really sad with Kyuhyun. She didn’t expect this from Kyuhyun. ‘Something must have happened to him that he acted like this.’ Seohyun said to herself. She tried to ask Jessica and Donghae because she know, Kyuhyun just hang out with both of them.

“Jessica, Donghae, you guys owe me an explanation.” Seohyun talk seriously. Both of them look at each other and gulped.

“Seohyun, we are very sorry for hiding this from you. Actually, Kyuhyun was the one who keep the necklace until now. He also knew the whole story. Since then, Kyuhyun behave differently from how we know him.” Donghae start the conversation.

“Right, Seohyun. Since he knew that you are Juhyun that he been dying to search. Maybe he’s been hurt since you didn’t tell him the truth. I think better that you talk to him personally.” Jessica convinced.

At Kyuhyun’s house….

‘DING DONG DING DONG’ the door bell is ringing.

“Kyuhyun, who coming? Please go and see...” Mrs. Cho asked her son. Kyuhyun walks lazily to the door.

“Who?” Kyuhyun opened the door and just freeze there.

“Who’s coming, Kyuhyun? Why are you freezing here?” Mrs. Cho come and said, “Seohyun dear, I’ve really missed you, are you fine? I’m sure that you’re completely recovered.” She smiled.

“I’m fine umma. I miss you too you know…” Seohyun hugs Mrs. Cho. She really close to Kyuhyun’s mother and call her mother.

“Why are you coming here, dear?” She asked Seohyun. Kyuhyun already went upstairs leaving both of them in the living room.

“Actually umma, I want to meet Kyuhyun. I have to talk to him about something.” Seohyun replied.

“Ohhh, just go to his room. I’ll make you food.” She said.

“Thank you, umma.” Seohyun replied and going upstairs while Mrs. Cho going to the kitchen.

Seohyun already standing in front of Kyuhyun’s room. She hesitates whether to going in or not. Mrs. Cho that bringing the food upstairs feel weird why Seohyun still standing there and not going into Kyuhyun’s room.  

“Cho Kyuhyun, why are you not inviting Seohyunnie into your room?” Mrs. Cho pulls Seohyun into Kyuhyun’s room.  Kyuhyun as usual, just stay quiet.

“Seohyun, sit here comfortably okay?” Mrs. Cho left the food on the table and going out from the room.

“What do you want?” Kyuhyun asked coldly.

“Hurmmm… K…Kyuhyun. You already know that I’m Juhyun?” Seohyun replied.

“Yup.”He answered.  He takes the necklace on his table and keeps playing with it. “Do you come to take this back?” He swings the necklace in front of Seohyun.  Seohyun try to take it but he keeps playing with Seohyun.

“Kyuhyun! Stop! Give me back my necklace!” Seohyun exploded. 

“Why should I give you the necklace?” Kyuhyun shouted.

“Because that is mine, Kyuhyun. It’s mine.” Seohyun start crying.

When Seohyun start crying, Kyuhyun feel that his heart ache a little. But he still displays his cold face, staring at Seohyun.

“I’m sorry Kyuhyun for not telling you the truth earlier. Actually, I’m waiting for the right time to tell you. But, that day, I involved in an accident. I’m sorry Kyuhyun.” Seohyun sit at Kyuhyun’s bed.

“Actually, on the first day to meet you, I was really shocked. I didn’t expect to see you in my school. I wonder, out of many schools in Seoul, how come you came to my school. I really didn’t want to see you anymore. Unfortunately, I saw you again in my class and became my seatmate. But, I was relieved because you didn’t recognize me at first. Because of the fact that I still like you, I still love you, I can’t hate you no matter hard I tried. So, I decided to get along with you. In that way, I can spend time with you just like the old times we always do. I miss you really. This is the truth that I want to say to you that day. I’m sorry for making you suffering all these years; I wish you happiness, Kyuhyun. Goodbye.” Seohyun wiped her tears and get out from Kyuhyun’s room.

“Umma, thank you so much for today. I’ll go first.” Seohyun smiled to Kyuhyun’s mother. She sent Seohyun out and calling out Kyuhyun.

“What’s wrong with her, Kyu? She’s crying…”Mrs. Cho asked.

Kyuhyun just grip the necklace hard. He knows that he screw up this time. 

 Till then, Assalamualaikum

22 July 2012

SOL chapter 6

Assalamualaikum :)

“Congratulations on your graduation. I hope that after this you’ll be a useful person that can contribute something beneficial for our country in the future.” The principal finish his speech.

The students receive their graduation certificate in their classroom. That day, everyone has mixed reaction.  Sad, happy, joy, scared; Sad for leaving their friends that always been there for three years, happy to enter new phase becoming an adult and scared to accept the responsibility as an adult. They were hugging, taking pictures and laughing happily.


Kim Heechul, Seohyun’s brother, decided to held a graduation party as well as their success for admission to university for her and Taewook twins. Taewook and Seohyun decided to ask their classmates to come; including Kyuhyun, Donghae and Jessica. Heechul want to held this party because he should do something for Seohyun; this is the best that he can give. Even though he maybe cold, but actually he’s very warm at heart.

So many preparations need to do since this is one of the biggest parties held in Kim family’s history. Seohyun also invite Ms.Choi, the caretaker of the orphanage and her child, Choi Sooyoung and Choi Siwon.  They always contact each other even though they are far. Lot of people come too; Heechul & Hyoyeon’s friends.

Taewook and Seohyun already escape themselves from the preparations because they need to become pretty, handsome and stunning that night. Seohyun decide to wear a white, sweet yet elegant dress and a pair of white heels.  Taeyeon choose black dress and black bow on her head meanwhile her twin, Ryeowook wearing white shirt and black vest.

For the graduation party, Kyuhyun, Jessica, Donghae and Taeyeon will singing ‘Way Back into Love’ while Seohyun and Ryeowook will play the piano.

 At 8 pm , the guests come one by one. Kim residence can occupies about 200 peoples. Kyuhyun’s family already arrive same with Donghae that come along with his parents and his siblings, Sunsun twin which is Hyoyeon’s friend. 

Teukie, Shindong, Eunhyuk and Hankyung also come after that to attend the party. They are Heechul’s friends and really close to Heechul’s siblings. Teukie actually bias toward Seohyun, so he prepared a special gift for Seohyun which is a silver bracelet with ‘Seohyun’ on it.

Seohyun who touched about the present quickly wear it for the party and the bracelet complete herself tonight. She really like an angel. Seohyun’s and Taewook’s classmates come with their family too. The party going to start soon but Jessica still not arrived. Not wanting the party start late, Heechul start with graduation speech by Taewook twins then Seohyun. Just after Seohyun finish her speech, Jessica arrive.

“Yaaa! Why are you late Jessica ? Don’t you know this is my important day.” Seohyun run towards Jessica.

“I’m sorry, my dear. My parents have some important guest so I need to be at home. So sorry, but I’m not late for the performance right?”Jessica flash a apologetic smile.

“You come just in time. Let’s get ready for the performance.” Seohyun pull Jessica’s hand.

Ryeowook and Seohyun already sit in front of the piano meanwhile, Jessica, Donghae , Taeyeon and Kyuhyun sit on the chair, get ready to sing; waiting the cue from the piano. The harmony of four voices really blend well together. The guests are enjoying their performance. Kyuhyun keep glancing at Seohyun along the performance. Seohyun play the piano gracefully since she has big interest in piano. As soon as the song finish, the guests are clapping their hands. The six of them standing together and give a big bow to the guests and smile happily.

After the performance, the foods are served to the guests. Seohyun take a glass of juice and walk to the garden the place where she and Ms.Kim always hang out. There are white table and white chairs. She sit on the chair and her mind flying to Ms.Kim. She really miss Ms.Kim.

“ Seohyun, are you sure you’re not going to Jeonju and talk over this matter to Kyuhyun?” Ms. Kim said. Seohyun already told her about Kyuhyun.
“I don’t know, Umma, I’m still hurt by his word. I didn’t believe that he would say that and because of him, I became like this.” Seohyun sip juice from her glass.
“But because of him, you got to see me. I’m happy to be the one who found you, dear.” Ms. Kim hugged Seohyun
End of flashback.

“Seohyun……” Jessica come and sit on the other chair. “Why are you crying?”

“Nothing Jessica. It’s just that I missed Umma..” Seohyun wipe her tears. “Hurm, Jessica, should I tell him the truth?”

“Seohyun, I think that you really need to tell him the truth. You know what, Donghae said to me that after you moved here, his life was miserable. Donghae said that he really loved you. Don’t you feel pity of him?” Jessica holds Seohyun;s hand.

“I did took that as consideration, but I’m still hurt by his words. If you are in my shoes, you would feel the same.”Seohyun sighed.

“How about the necklace? If you really hate him why you still wearing that? You really owe him explanation, Seohyun.”Jessica replied.

“What explanation , Jessica?” Kyuhyun and Donghae interrupt them.

“Oh, K..Kyuhyun, nothing, just girls’ talk.”Jessica smile while Seohyun freeze.

“Jessica, tell us, we wanna know!” Donghae clings to Jessica.

“Yah, Lee Donghae! Don’t you ever ever try to be so clingy to me! You are so annoying!”Jessica pissed.

“Humph! I want to be close to you but you always reject me!” Donghae pouted and go to Seohyun.

“Lee Donghae! Don’t you dare go to Seohyun ….” Kyuhyun glare at Donghae.

“O..okay,” Donghae keep himself a distance from Seohyun.

“Kyuhyun, just let him be. Come here Donghae” Donghae make face to Kyuhyun and sit beside Seohyun. Kyuhyun just take another chairs and sit beside Jessica. Seohyun make a signal to Jessica, whether to tell Kyuhyun the truth or not.

“Hey girls, what are you guys doing? Signaling to each other. Are there something that you girls want to tell us?” Kyuhyun asked out of curiosity.

“Oh, it’s nothing. Oh, Kyuhyun, Donghae, which university that you guys get to further your study ?” Seohyun tried to change the topic.

“Ohhh, I got accepted into Dongguk University while Kyuhyun got accepted into Hanyang University.” Donghae replied.

“Really? I got accepted to the same university as Kyuhyun while Seohyun got the same university as Donghae.” Jessica exclaimed.

“Really? Oh, but I want to be with Jessica..” Donghae pouted.

“Oh, seriously? I’m glad that I’m with Kyuhyun, right Kyuhyun?” Jessica smile at Kyuhyun.

“Hummphhh! It’s okay, I have Seohyun! Right, Seohyunnie?” Donghae smile and put her hand on Seohyun’s shoulder.

Seohyun just smile and glance to Kyuhyun. Kyuhyun and Jessica talking about their preparation into university. Then, she look back to Donghae. She thanked to Donghae for always being at Kyuhyun’s side after she left.

“Kyuhyun…”Seohyun interrupt Kyuhyun and Jessica’s conversation. “Yes, Seohyun?”

“Can I have a talk with you ?” Kyuhyun nod. Seohyun and Kyuhyun walk leaving Jessica and Donghae as well as the party. They take a walk around the neighbourhood.

“Yah, Lee Donghae. Do you think that Seohyun will tell Kyuhyun the truth?” Jessica asked as soon as Seohyun and Kyuhyun leaving them.

“I don’t know. Do you want to follow them?” Donghae lifts one of his eyebrows. “Good idea! Let’s go!”

“What is that you want to tell me, Seohyun?” Kyuhyun asked.

“You know what? I’m grateful to have you as my friend. After you come, my life have become so cheerful. So, I just wanna say thank you.” Seohyun smiled.

“Welcome, Seohyun. Actually, I feel the same too. You know what? I’ve become more happier than before, when I’m with Juhyun.” Kyuhyun stated.

“Hurm,Juhyun? Do you mind to tell me about her?”Seohyun tried to ask that question to Kyuhyun so that she can know Kyuhyun’s true feeling about her.

“Hurm, Juhyun was my first girl friend. I was really a bad boy before, I always made prank on her but someday, she helped me and since that, we’ve become bestfriends. Until one day, she heard me saying that I become friend with her because of her excellence in academic. I have to say that in front of my friends so that my friends didn’t boycott me.  But, actually I really love her. After that, I ran after him but I lost her step. Since that, I didn’t hear any news from her. I asked the orphanage, the place where she lived, they said that she moved to Seoul. I hope that when I’m in Seoul, I can find her, but I didn’t. The only memory that I have with her is just the necklace. Just same like yours.” Kyuhyun explained.

Seohyun touch his necklace and said “Urmm, Kyuhyun, actually ………. “ BUMMMM! Some boys that playing skateboard bumped into Seohyun and Seohyun is pushed to  the middle of the road and hit by the car that on the way. Seohyun’s body is darted off to the side. The necklace is broken and opened, which is show Kyuhyun and Seohyun’s childhood pictures.

“SEOHYUN AHHHHHHHH!” Kyuhyun dashes to Seohyun, followed by Jessica and Donghae who follow them secretly running towards Seohyun. Seohyun bleeding so bad. Donghae take a quick action by calling ambulance. Kyuhyun lift Seohyun’s head, “Kyuhyun…..my head hurts….” That’s the last words Seohyun said before she shut her eyes off.

“Seohyun! Don’t go yet!” Kyuhyun shouted. He noticed the silver heart necklace which contain his picture and Juhyun’s picture.

“Seohyun is Juhyun? Arghhhh! What kind of coincidence is this?” Kyuhyun shouted and hug  the unconscious Seohyun……..

 Till then, Assalamualaikum